Yes! I've been loving our new juicer from
BrevilleBefore we were going to invest in a juicer we wanted to make sure we were getting one that got the most juice out of the fruit. Keith and Suzanne recommended this one
HERE. It has worked wonders and is also a nice design so I don't mind keeping it out on the counter all the time. We've been using it almost everyday and sometimes twice a day on the weekends. The best part about juicing is that your breaking down the ingredient to it's finest state allowing your body to gain full benefits that go straight into your blood stream. That's why you feel more alive and so good after a fresh juice. And yes, you can buy a fresh juice at a juice bar but investing in a good juicer is worth it not only will you drink more juice more often but also save. We make 3 16oz glasses for the price of 1 at your standard juice bar.

So now, the Skin Saver Juice- I got this recipe from the book "Raw Food Real World" sweet Melissa from
Reverie brought me this book when she was visiting Laguna Beach. I love it and have learned a ton such as this Skin Saver Juice is like having a facial from the inside out... who doesn't like the sound of that? After I read that, this was the first juice I made for my sister and I.

Radishes and watercress are rich in sulfur which help build collagen, a nutrient that's necessary for elasticity. And grape seeds are full of essential fatty oils and antioxidants that protect your skin from radical damage.
They should be serving this juice after a facial right?

Recipe for 2:
1/2 C Chopped Radish
6 C Green Grapes
1/2 Bunch Watercress
1-2 Lg Cucumbers
1 Ginger Knob (Thumb Size)
~Run all ingredients through juicer and enjoy~
I was lucky to find watercress at our local farmer's market but if you can't find it use 5 kale leafs instead. Grapes can be pricey so if they're not looking fun to buy substitute for more cucumber and less grapes.